Everything Needs a Creator!

I stumbled upon a Youtube video where a renowned spiritual leader was asked by one from the audience whether God exists. The very question that humans kept wondering from the ages. The answer was a definite yes. And the argument was that the very existence of us, the universe, is the reason enough for the existence of God. Something is created means there must be a creator. So logical. And God is the one for the whole universe. The audience seemed to become impressed and satisfied with the explanation. The spiritual leader went on to describe other traits of God including its gender.

Everything needs a creator! It is not so difficult to understand. This is our intuition from everyday experiences.

But it perplexed me even more. The same rule should be applied to God also. That means God will also need a creator. Then who is the creator of God? If we assume that someone or something created God, ‘the creator of God’. Then again, we created ‘the creator of God’. This chain will never end. So, there is a fundamental problem with the principle, ‘everything needs a creator’.

I went on searching Youtube on this topic and found one that addressed this very question. To break this infinite chain, a renowned philosopher argued that God is uncreated and everything else is created. God just exists eternally – no beginning, no end.

It could be true but I am not satisfied with this argument either. If God can be uncreated, then why not the universe.

From all the arguments, what I am getting convinced about is that something is uncreated (exists forever), or created out of nothing and probably without reason. Otherwise we’ll have the infinite creator chain problem.

It could be God – exists forever – who is the creator of everything.

It could be the whole universe – either it exists forever or is created out of nothing and without reason. For those who believe that science already explained how the universe was created in the ‘big bang theory’, you are not right. The big bang theory does not explain how the universe was created at the very first place but it describes the evolution of it from the very early state to the current one. As I understand it is still a mystery for science also.

It could be something else which caused the universe to be created.

No one knows.

I don’t think this puzzle will be resolved anytime soon. But I am very curious. If anyone knows anything, please share that with me.

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